Downloadable Resources from 2023 Advocacy Training.

Board of Veterans Appeals

MS Powerpoint Slides by Judge Burton from the Board of Veterans Appeals.

Justice Involvement, Suicide Prevention

MS Powerpoint Slides by Alissa Harris from the Veterans Health Administration.

Eligibility & Enrollment VA Health Care

MS Powerpoint Slides by Pamela Cook from the Veterans Health Administration.

Community Care & Billing

MS Powerpoint Slides by Patrice Olivo from the Veterans Health Administration.


MS Powerpoint Slides by Jennifer Terbush from the Veterans Health Administration.

VA Claim Scenarios

MS Powerpoint Slides by Elizebeth Cuddington from the American Legion with contributing content from Bergmann & Moore LLC and the Veterans Benefits Administration.

VA Claim Scenarios - HandOuts

Hand out to accompany MS Powerpoint Slides by Elizebeth Cuddington from the American Legion with contributing content from Bergmann & Moore LLC and the Veterans Benefits Administration.

Evaluating Compensation Exams

MS Powerpoint Slides by Tripp Cantwell from the American Legion with contributing content from Bergmann & Moore LLC and the Veterans Benefits Administration.

AMA-Supplemental Appeals

MS Powerpoint Slides by Gina Jones from the Veterans Benefits Administration.

Aid & Attendance and Housebound

MS Powerpoint Slides by Tripp Cantwell from the American Legion with contributing content from Bergmann & Moore LLC and the Veterans Benefits Administration.

Aid & Attendance and Housebound - Exercise

Exercise for the MS Powerpoint Slides by Tripp Cantwell from the American Legion with contributing content from Bergmann & Moore LLC and the Veterans Benefits Administration.


MS Powerpoint Slides by Denise Formolo from Dickinson County Veterans Affairs.

VA Basic

MS Powerpoint Slides by Denise Formolo from Dickinson County Veterans Affairs.

The 4 Pillars

MS Powerpoint Slides by Ron Runyan from the American Legion.

Responsibilities and PSO Reports

MS Powerpoint Slides by Elizebeth Cuddington from the American Legion.

Resources and Media

MS Powerpoint Slides by Jim Showers from the American Legion.

DD214 & Discharge Upgrades

MS Powerpoint Slides by Thomas Kaiser from the American Legion.

American Legion Partnership w/CVO's

MS Powerpoint Slides by Gary Easterling from the American Legion.

VA's Duty to Assist and Issue Locating Records

MS Powerpoint Slides by Nickolas Easterling from the Vietnam Veterans of America with content input from the Veterans Benefit Administration.

Community Outreach

MS Powerpoint Slides by Rick Wiles from the American Legion.

Steps After Winning a Service-Connected Claim

MS Powerpoint Slides by Gary Easterling from the American Legion.

Let’s get started.

Do not wait any longer! We have a team of highly trained Service Officers waiting to talk with you. These are Veterans themselves who are dedicated to honoring your service.